
Sinister Parrots Base of American Falls Rhinos Gorilla Cub New York Statue of Liberty Overcast

Sometimes I like to indulge in a little photography for myself. It's a very different mode of thinking than most of my other mediums where I'm creating something from scratch one way or the other, photography is more about seeing things that already exist the right way and capturing that moment. At least the sort of photography I like to play with is, anyway.

American Bald Eagle New York at Night Blue Tongued Skink Brooklyn Bridge Philisophical Eagle Buildings at Central Park Canada Geese Cockpit of a Cobra Helicopter Flamingos Times Square New York Grazing Gazelle Sleeping Baby Hippo Hippos Central Park Compass on the Intrepid Equipment on the Intrepid Jet intake

I personally prefer shooting outdoors, with the benefit or natural light. Everything here was shot with a Nikon D60, which is ancient by today's standards and has been trucking along for almost a decade now. It does have the benefit of slotting a larger FX lens than its sensor however, which is great for shooting nature.

Wildebeest Camel Whale Bones Propellor Plane on Intrepid Joey Kangaroo Monkey Noir New York Otter Sad Warthog Polar Bear Cub Gazelle Resting Baby Rhino Rhino Chose Up

The majority of the photos here are largely from vacations and day trips, since they serve to let me take more interesting photos. Whenever I've employed photography for a client, it's usually for something more technical, like shooting team portraits.

Rockefeller Inside Wall Rockefeller Center Design Sleeping Capybara Sleeping Warthog Steel Globe Small Turtle Southern Ground Hornbill Space Shuttle Landing Gear Statue of Liberty Daytime New York Parrots Rockefeller Statue Times Square Times Square Statue Self Portrait Niagra American Falls